Expanding Community Access For All

The ASO AMPLIFY program allows community members to receive up to four (4) FREE tickets for select Atlanta Symphony Orchestra performances. ASO AMPLIFY distributes tickets to anyone receiving public assistance from the State of Georgia. Each AMPLIFY member will log into their member account to redeem their tickets during the five (5) days prior to the event. For more details or instructions on how to redeem your tickets, please contact the ASO Ticketing Office at 404.733.4800.

This program is made possible through a generous grant from the Lettie Pate Evans Foundation, which is part of the family of foundations that also includes the Robert W. Woodruff Foundation.

Who Is Eligible?
Members of our community receiving financial assistance from the State of Georgia.

How Can I Sign-Up for ASO AMPLIFY? 
Sign-up information will be available from area social workers, government institutions and partnering organizations. You may also fill out the online form below to get started.

How Do I Redeem Tickets?
Once enrolled in the program, you will receive regular emails regarding upcoming available concerts. From there, you will log into your ASO Account Manager platform and redeem your tickets online, 5 days prior to each performance.

How Do I Become A Sponsor?
Corporate, foundation and government organizations are an essential part of the Orchestra's support network. For any questions, please contact Erin Jones at Erin.Jones@atlantasymphony.org.


Registration Instructions

  1. Click to Account Manager and press Sign In on the top right of the Account Manager screen.
  2. Enter your email address and select Next.
  3. Enter your password and select Sign In.*
          *If this is your first time logging in, you will need to select "Forgot Password" to create a new one.
  4. An email will be sent to you with instructions on entering a new password.
  5. Once logged in, you will be prompted to complete your registration.

Register Today       Reserve Tickets (requires registration)

Need More Info?

For all inquiries, please reach out to us at ASOSubscriptions@atlantasymphony.org.